The Monastic Horarium is outlined below.
Holy Mass for the school is in the College Chapel.
The other offices are sung in the monastery.
Matins 4.30am
Lauds 6.00am
Prime & Terce 7.00am
Conventual Mass 8.00am
Sext & None 11.40am
School Mass 12.15pm
Vespers 6.00pm
Compline 8.45pm
Summum Silentium until Prime
Saturday & Sunday
Matins 5.30am
Lauds 7.00am
Prime & Terce 8.00am
Conventual Mass 8.30am
School Mass 11.00am
Sext & None 12.30pm
Vespers 6.00pm
Compline 9.00pm
Summum Silentium until Prime
What is 'the Office'?
St Benedict describes the work of the monk as physical labour and prayer. At the heart of this prayer is singing the psalms. These 150 ancient prayers, which come to us through the Jewish faith, are to be recited every week by St Benedict’s disciples. This is our Office. We sing the psalms according to the plan laid down in the Holy Rule, and according to the times and seasons of the liturgical year.